Blackout Film Project For Aesthetic Improvement

Tuesday, Mar 18 2014

Recently, a large project management company called us looking for a solution for a problem building they had in Northeast Columbus. The building was originally built to accommodate 2 story offices. Many tenants however opted for a one story buildout, thus leaving the second story glass with a lovely view into building mechanical equipment. Some of the suites attempted to cover the view by hanging a black curtain behind the glass during the buildout.  Unfortunately, under certain lighting conditions (most of them), the curtain becomes visible. The result was a cluster of non-uniform glass that was unsightly to prospective tenants.

After many months of brainstorming the client chose to contract us to install blackout window film on the outside of the glass to make the exterior view uniform. After completion the building owner reported that he was “VERY PLEASED” with the appearance of the film. Take a look at the pictures below and we’re inclined to think you’ll agree!


Eastwind-Before-Film-300x205    Eastwind-After-Film-300x172